Sunday, July 18, 2010


As I hear the loud thunder clap of my next door neighbor’s head getting bashed in, I learned early on you can’t save any woman who doesn’t want to be saved from domestic violence. I remember first hearing the beatings a few months back and every so often they start again. You can hear the loud smacking sound of hand meeting meat as I try to guess what the five fingers are saying to the face. Sometimes I put my ear to the side of the wall and hear “HADOUKEN,” as the sound of furious uppercuts land. Many people might think I should step in, knock on the door or maybe call the police. NOPE, I’m staying completely out of it. As long as ol’ girl’s head doesn’t slam through my side of the wall, they can bust each other up till the white meat shows. Why would I get involved in this, if it’s happening over the course of months then obviously somebody keeps running back to someone. And that’s why no amount of meddling neighbors or police interference will stop someone from getting their head busted in the name of love. I know what some people are saying “Well it’d be different if was someone you knew, a friend or family member.” Nope, it wouldn’t matter I’d still stay out of it. I mean, I’d make an extra effort to talk to them and tell them to leave or something but that’s it. What can I do other than call the police that won’t risk me getting fucked up in the process?

I remember a homey of mine a few years back got into it with a nigga that beat his sister. Of course they ended up going two cars deep to the hood and stomped him out. Although they were mob deep this dude was still kind of big. He managed to get off a couple power swings before they took him to the ground. One nigga caught a speed bump right on the forehead. Death threats were issued between the two parties and of course everyone has access to guns. This could escalate to a life or death moment but since it’s for family it’s all worth it right? NOPE, luckily tension cooled down quickly cause within two weeks she got back with dude who smacked her up. So think about it, what if somebody got shot and died? What if dude called the cops and pressed assault charges on them? It would have all been in vain because she would have ran back to him regardless. That is why you cannot stop it; the only people who can are the two involved.

I believe if long terms domestic violent relationship persists both parties are sick. The woman is equally as twisted as the man. Despite the physical confrontations she refuses to leave him. That type of relationship is border line sadomasochistic; it appears pain is pleasure to both. Let’s be real here, the psychology of a domestically abusive relationship is not as simple as man gets angry, man beats her up. Although the media portrays it as that, it can be a more complex one depending on the relationship. Sometimes it can be a two way street where both people are hitting each other. Of course neither one has the intelligence to walk away so it continues. Sometimes the woman can instigate and turn a heated situation into an inferno. Some women see their man getting very angry and continue to prod and poke adding coals to the flame. Sometimes the man tries to walk away only to be follow while she still continues to badger away viciously. Most women know how to pull the strings and push the buttons on their man’s temper. Sometimes when she gets smacked she can see it coming like she’s Ms. Cleo.

I’m not condoning domestic violence, I’ve never hit a woman but I’ve damn near choked the shit out of one. I could never believe that a man shouldn’t hit a woman under any circumstance. I believe in giving bitches leeway but if she’s constantly hitting you I think a slap might calm her down. Realistically, if a bitch gets you that upset, to the point where you feel remarkable anger, you should shake the spot and drop that bitch like a bad habit. No need to allow it to get to physical point cause no matter who hits who the man always goes away in the handcuffs. But the media portrays women as victims all the time. They act as if a woman cannot be a dangerous person and a physical threat to society. If some of these WNBA sized bitches stuck you in your face then the average man would feel that. When women punch, that shit hurt. It ain’t the same force as Mike Tyson but it can do damage. I’m sorry if a bitch puts my back against the wall then I’m swinging. What do you expect, ya’ll want equal opportunity? Well if you were a man in that situation then I’d start swinging. I’d give an equal opportunity ass whooping. That’s an ass whooping that doesn’t discriminate based on a person’s race, creed, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, disabilities or gender. I know if I swing on ANYBODY in life I’m expecting them to swing back. Most women don’t have that type of logical wiring in them so they have this supreme belief they can slap your ass around with no retaliation.

Fellas, if you’re ever on the prowl and run across a woman who was in a long term abusive relationship RUN AS FAST AS YOUR LEGS CAN CARRY YOU. Women who stay in those relationships are screwed up in the head. There’s a reason she stayed with ol’ dude so long…it’s cuz she knows she’s crazy and deserved her head cracked open. Most long term domestic abuse victims have a screw loose to begin with. She could be the enabler type, the kind old girl was who I almost squeezed all the life out of. She sparked anger in me that I had never exhibited before. Starting an argument over something petty and then when I would get up to cool off she would follow me and try to block my path. Of course, I remained cool the first few times and then one day out of the blue she shoved me from behind, I almost lost it right then and there. Needless to say I was smart enough to get out of the situation. A lesser man might have stayed and ended up catching charges. But that’s the thing about enablers; they push you to a whole new limit of anger where you feel your losing control of yourself. I have never felt that way before or since that incident. Women like that are attracted to guys that hit them. They get out of one abusive relationship then right back in another one. Maybe old girl saw how much of an asshole I was when she met me and thought I was the Ike to her Tina. I am an asshole at times and although I talk a whole bunch of shit, I’m smart enough to know she ain’t shit, no reason to get locked up behind her. Self esteem to women is the psychological equivalent of AIDS. It’s something that will fuck them up and eat away at them for the rest of their lives. Women with low self esteem make a lot of dumb decisions with their pussy. And these types of women always look towards men to fix it for them.

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