Sunday, July 11, 2010


Two months removed from my 29th birthday I have the unceremonious task of looking ahead to the ripe old age of 30 in 10 more months. As the deadline approaches I reflect on my twenties and realize the pressure that surrounds me. I believe I've fucked off most of my twenties, sure I had plenty of good times and minor successes but now looms the pressure. I haven't got anywhere close to where I'm supposed to be career wise. I am not financial secure and just about every goal I had set at 18 has fallen through the floor. Despite the lack of success there is one goal I set at 18 that I'm proud to have not accomplished, marriage. My retarded ignorant ass at 18 thought I would have wifed up some broad by now and have a happy family. If I could go back in time I'd catch me back in '99 and smack the shit of me. After analyzing reality I now know marriage today in America is the biggest sham of the country.

The whole marriage system here is a one-sided, unjust union that only benefits women. If you’re a man honestly ask yourself...what do you get out of it? What does marriage do for you that couldn't have been done in a long term dating relationship? The answer here is nothing...nothing at all. What does the women get out of it, Financial and emotional security. The average couple in this country has the husband earning more than the wife. This means in the event of a divorce the party with the most money has to give the lesser one something, almost like your paying her for the time. A woman knows that once a man marries you he can't just up and leave. She knows in the event of a divorce she will get money and personal items the man has spent his entire life working for...Scott Peterson that ho. Pre-nup you say, protect you and your assets right, wrong! Even with a prenup if a judge is a woman or pussy whipped man they have the authority to overrule a prenup and any clauses in it they deem "unconstitutional." That could mean anything based on the situation. Women are always pushing the issue of marriage for this exact reason and that reason alone. Of course she masks the original intention by discussing her emotions and that touchy feely crap all while dangling her titties in your face. Marriage is really about the chick getting the richest guy she can attract. If your husband is unemployed and stays broke, then you’re not an attractive woman. Do you see rich guys with ugly chicks? It doesn't matter how they look, Donald Trump could walk in a room full of pretty boys and leave with the hottest chick in the entire room...WHY CUZ OF $$$$?? The guy most women end up marrying isn't the best looking guy she dated, he isn't the best sex she's ever had. He is the one that has the most money to offer her. It's a good chance your lady isn't ready to go the rest of her life without the best sex possible. She will eventually go behind a nigga's back to that ex-boyfriend she still rubs one out to on those long lonely nights. It's the same reason I laugh when I read any female's profile on a dating website. They list all these demands they are looking for in a man, but I know money will make them bitches compromise every last one of their expectations. I believe any man that proposes to a woman without pressure just wants’ to lock it up. That's it, he doesn't really love you or want to spend his entire life with just you...he just wants’ to make sure ain't nobody else gonna hit that. It's not a kind act of love; he's doing it for selfish reasons. Now if the shoe is on the other foot should the man get alimony for his time if she earns more money, NO! Nobody should get anything from a marriage unless they built it together during the marriage.

There's too much false advertising going around on behalf of women. First of all many women are deceitful when attracting a mate. A woman will mask everything real about her to sucker a man into marriage. She will pretend to like most of the things you like in an attempt to impress you. Of course once she sinks her hooks into you everything she pretended to like will be thrown out the window. She said she liked sports so you'd think she was cool, now she got a problem with it. She hit the gym solid for a few months before she met you. It wasn't cause she's a health nut, it's cause she wants’ to give the appearance that she this is what she normally looks like. It's not, once a lot of women get comfortable they tend to get lazy and stop caring so much about their appearance. Why not, if she gains a ton of weight and begins to look unattractive you can't just up and leave without paying her something for her time. Many women have credit issues when entering a marriage; they look towards their hubby to help them pay off debts. Debts that included everything she did before she met you. That romantic vacation she took with her ex-boyfriend a few years back, the shopping sprees she had to attract the richest dick in the club, the utility bills she has paid for other unemployed niggas she used to date. Your expected to pay all that, lest not forget the student loans to college she didn't graduate from. The promises she makes during the dating process are only used as a decoy to lure you in deeper.

The actual process of marriage is in itself a joke
. You’re signing a legally binding document promising an emotion, a got damn emotion! Would you sign a contract promising to be happy all the time? In the event you become sad you might lose half your shit. Sounds stupid right, same as love. Love is just an emotion albeit a powerful one but an emotion never the less. I don't think it's constitutional to sign a business document claiming love. That's all marriage is, a business. It was nothing to do with love; the actual process of a marriage is pure business. The documents you sign are similar to those when two corporations merge. That's what it is, the binding of two corporate entities.

The institution of marriage in America has gotten out of hand. The divorce rate in this country only proves my logic. With such an unfair advantage women have in divorce proceedings it is unwise for any man of substance and wealth to compromise his integrity in jumping the broom. The risk are too high, the rewards are too low, marriage only works if don't this you'll be successful. Most men don't fear being alone when they marry; they fear being 60 and not being able to get no pussy. I urge every man reading this to get that money cuz as long as you’re counting cheddar, pussy will always be there whether your 29 or 92.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry ur so angry. Some women don't believe in divorce cuz anyone truely worth promising your FOREVER to is worth working to keep together.